Actually I have lots of exciting things to tell you, but I am going to spread them out a bit, so todays is probably for me one of the greatest achievements I have ever made.
Notice I said on the knitter and not in the Knitter? .........I got a design on the Front cover of the knitter, front covers are uber important because they are what sells the magazine, so you know your design is know ....alright and all that.
The irony of this garment is that in my head it was probably one of the simplist ideas ever made, and then in reality it turned out to be rather urm....unsimple to figure out armholes and all sorts of things because its knit side to side rather than bottom up or top down, the pattern is simple and makes uses of nice simple textured stitches, I have two versions, some of you have seen me at shows wearing the larger version, the one in the knitter is actually quite different, so we kind of got two designs out of one idea :) Its knitted in Scrumptious aran, although this garment in the picture is in hand dyed, unfortunately all the base for that one got burnt in the fire, BUT we have the gorgoeus new 10 colours in the commercial range to make up for that, and they are STUNNING. it is on the front cover.....I can tell you I am so bloody proud of this, it certainly is up there on my list of achievments...

Also really great is the Knitter magazine now have a new website....and The lovely adorable Jen has a blog on there too, which is great, cause she just cracks me up!!!
Happy knitting peeps. I'll tell you more on Monday xxxx