My Beehaus double beehive
I mused briefly that it was just the perfect yellow.
When I woke up this morning, I glanced down the bed and realised... ahh, yes my bed covers are also my favourite shade of yellow....
My Stephen west 'Askews me' shawl in Vivacious DK Sunshine, Slate & Tweed imps
I thought long and hard... what came first? did I see something that I loved that was yellow, dyed that into a yarn and then kept buying yellow things to match? Or was it the other way around... this yellow thing has been going on for at least 3 years now.. and it shows no sign of abating...
Ring and Ring from Vivacious Kids and my Featherweight in Nef 4ply.
I often notice colours and dye them.. and then it can sometimes become a serious obsession.... as serious as yellow can be anyway ;)
I highly recommend yellow in all its forms, you can't go wrong ;)