Thursday, 27 July 2006



So here is what I have been knitting recently, its about all I could cope with, but I'm hankering after somethings little more complicated. I'll finish off my cardi and post that. I'm on holiday for all of august now, so you should see a damned site more posting! Including ally pally stuff, so that will be good.

I am feeling so good at the moment, I'm so loving living on my own!! Its so cool just to do what ever the hell I want and to see who ever I want to. I haven't had so much fun for years. I even have 2 cool lodgers coming to live with me in September, I just knew it would all work out in the end. You just have to trust about these things, don't you!

So tonight I am going to see Katherine Jenkins in Concert in a park, with a picnic, wine,  and some delicious company! How exciting.

Next week I'll be dyeing catching up on all the stuff I have been neglecting with my personal interlude and then start designing some yummy things for ally pally. Lush.

Friday, 7 July 2006

Isn't it funny how things fall into place?

So, all the cuffufle over the past couple of months in my life means that I took on a mortgage which was meant to be shared by two of us, but it turns out its just me now.

So I'm now  a very skint 'ms'. Thats all I need to say really, however, there was me deciding to take the plunge to change my life dramatically, even though it was the scariest decision I ever made, I had to do it to be happy.

Not knowing how the hell I was going to do it on my own I just trusted, its just funny how things just seem to fall into place when you are true to your self.

Firstly I got a letter today to say that I get a payrise in august,

Secondly a very suitable potential lodger has appeared, and

the most weird thing? I have had a very bad wheat allergy, to the point where I couldn't stomach anything with even a trace of wheat in. I went to my mums on friday night, she told me I had to trust her and eat some wheat, I had bread and butter and cake. I was so scared I was going to be very sick, but there was no reaction at all. Nothing. How did she know I would be ok?

I ate cake yesterday again. Nothing. What the hell is that about?