Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Click, Click, Giggle, Giggle

And that is pretty much how last weekend went!

Jen here (not Jeni!). I have just borrowed the blog again to tell you a bit about the fun we had at the weekend on the photo shoot for the Scrumptious Pattern Collection. We just can't wait to unveil the collection to you all. In the meantime, here are a few top tips for surviving a photo shoot.

1. Don't travel without plenty to eat and drink.

I'm not sure that I'm brave enough to admit to you how many iced and spiced buns I ate over the weekend, but it's likely I will turn in to one quite soon.


2. Make sure that your models can rock the Slanket look. Camilla and Lily were brilliant.

ScrumptiousShoot2      ScrumptiousShoot5

3. Pencils don't make the best knitting needles, so don't forget to pack the knitting essentials.

If all of you are knitters, surely someone will bring needles for yarnbombing?


4. Have a wonderful photographer with a great eye for the perfect shot. Thanks Amanda!


5. Be sure to choose lovely, smiley and gigglesome people to work with.

Nic you are a legend. And thank you so much once again, Jeni, for letting me be a part of this exciting venture.

ScrumptiousShoot4      ScrumptiousShoot21

Watch this space for more sneak previews over the coming weeks. The Scrumptious Pattern Collection will be available from mid-May 2011. 


  1. It was indeed a fantastic weekend, Jen. I'm especially pleased that The List that was my constant companion through the shoot made it into at least two of these photos. :D

  2. Looks incredibly exciting... can't wait...
    best wishes

  3. Clearly I have not reached iced and spiced saturation point yet as I had another yesterday afternoon!
