Friday, 24 June 2005

Appologes to the Matrix fans among you.

I do love the matrix, and I am dyslexic, so when I said 'just call me Leo', I did actually mean 'Neo'. Sorry. There are times when I wish my husband would read my posts straight away, and not wait till it's been there for all the world to see for a week. So please if you ever see any mistakes and you can't stand spellings errors please feel free to leave a comment and correct me! I have no pride when it comes to spelling and words.

So what's been happening? It's all still really exciting, but I'm struggling with time to get everything finished. Work has gone a bit mad this week, and so has everything else non knitting related, all I want to do is dye and knit, still I'm going to Grenada on holiday the week after next because anth has a conference there, so I shall have all the time in the world to finally get some serious knitting done.

I'll pop some pictures up tonight of some really pretty silk I got from Hip knits and some little clues as to what the secret project is, all will be revealed very soon.

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