Friday, 28 January 2005

I am alive honest.

well! Had a fabulous week, absolutely exhausted but, have worked so hard and working on experiments for internet studies. Going to have to learn flash, java, and perl! Not too much then huh?

Anyway I have managed to find time to knit and here is the resulting product, not too far to go now, still on sleeve island, which to be honest is driving me a little insane. I am really looking forward to adding a ribbed collar to it.


Tomorrow is a totally uninterupted day for me, which is very rare, so I am going to do some carding and get spinning some silk and mohair, into enough for my next adventure! This using your stash lark is proving to be very exciting. Nearly brought some cashmere to spin, but restrained myself, I think I will ask for some for my birthday.

By the way, thankyou Judith for your fantastic contribution to the experiment. It's gonna take alot of planning but you've given me some brilliant ideas! I'll be emailing the rest of your who left comments with instructions soon!

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