Friday, 6 October 2006

One day I'll get organised, but then again I probably won't.

So  5 days to go b4 the most exciting event of my year -Allypally. In-between experiments, I'm currently knitting the odd row of a glove pattern with a fluffy cuff I dreamt about last night. You never know, it might be ready in time for allyaplly. Correction. It will be ready in time.

I have about another 60 kilo's of yarn to dye over the weekend, thats all, not that much really :-/ To add to that mom and pops are coming for the day tomorrow to 'help'. However there are many festivities planned for them from the Spanish contingent of my household, so I'm not sure exactly how long they will stay sober enough to actually do anything.

Hannah wins the competition in the last post, I'm glad she won because she is one of my favourite customers.

So remember I told you about leaving the pub the other night? Well, I had to hobble home ( it's at least a 30 minute walk at the best of times) in my stupid pointed shoes, which to be fair slowed me down, and I had had two pints, and didn't go to the toilet because I left in protest. So I get home, and my dungarees have approximately 6 pockets. I simply dug my hand in my pockets for the keys, and I couldn't find them. At this point I realise I should probably find them quite quick, because nature was calling very loudly. 'OH not to worry' I thought, 'everyone is home, the door won't be locked'. Um yes it was.......

I was trying to be calm whilst banging on the door, getting slightly more desperate each second. There are three people in there I thought, one of them is bound to have a key!

I bang a little louder.

Then Sole informs me no one can find a key. That kind of did it for me.

I sat on the pavement, jumped up and down, and screamed in the letter box many many swear words in a desperate attempt to curb the disaster to follow (I live in Splott in Cardiff, no one minds a few swear words there).

At least I had the foresight to take my shoes off.

Then it was to late, and I from then on I was crowned 'Princi Meona' They just all stood at the door and laughed at me.

That could cause someone a serious psychological trauma you know!!!

However I was laughing so much and I am completely shameless as I said before, so there we go. Sole's translation for 'Meona' is professional pisser'. need I say more?

Don't be reminding me of that at ally pally though.

Oh and the other colours will be on the website after allypally.

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