Monday, 23 March 2009

Felting trials and tribulations

So, the weekend was mixed with VAT returns, but hey, I nearly finished it a week early, and I did it all on my own with no help, so I am just a little bit chuffed today, also I did some felting with the wooden shoe lasts, and well lets just say I am still learning!

I searched the internet for 3d felting, and well, there isn't loads of info, so if anyone can suggest a site or info without using needles, I would be grateful, although I may have to get some needles I think.

So I tried all sorts of things to make the stuff felt, and developed what I like to call the 'bog brush method', (I didn't actually use a bog brush) I used a washing up brush, but 'bog brush method' makes me laugh, so I am keeping that name. And well, it was all looking rather good, I mean the fabric was really quite felted, or at least I thought it was, so I let them dry, and this is what they looked like.....


Then I cut them of the lasts, and well, they weren't quite as felted as I thought, lol, so I thought, oh, I wonder what would happen if I put them in the machine, and this is why polystyrene shoe lasts exist, obviously I can't put the wooden ones in the machine, as they would completely destroy it, lol.

It was a mistake to put them in without any shrinkage restriction......


Now they are suitable for a 5 year old, and lets be honest the shape is rather odd, lol.
So that was felting learning curve number one. and I learned ALOT, and I am sure the second attempt will be better, its blimin good fun though.

So this week is sorting out the unicorn club, and dyeing my 65 kilo's of wholesale, which kind of shocked me, lol, never realised I had quite so much!



  1. I've done wet-felting with bubble wrap before - but that was for flat sheets... maybe you could wrap the last in it though?

  2. 65kg of wholesale - that is one heck of an amount of yarn. Should keep you out of trouble for a couple of days at least!

  3. I still don't get it about the unicorn club, what am I supposed to do. Must be thick or summat. don't like felting I think it looks awful, but if you find it nice that's OK.

  4. Hi Jen,
    I made some slippers like yours- have a look on Ravelry (Susie's smurf slippers).

  5. Hello
    I bought some wool off you when visiting cardiff a couple of years back, and just came across your blog. ( I am visiting cardiff again and was hoping to get some wool from you, but it seems you have left!)
    I made felted slippers successfully before by using welly boots covered in plastic bags. I put two fairly thick layers at right angles on one side of the boot, then flipped it over and put two on the other side - i just gently wetted and smoothed these two layers as i did them. then i put another two layers on the first side - wetting them a bit more and soaping a bit more, then flipped again and put the final two layers on the other side (along with any decoration on the final layers) and then felted like hell! I just rubbed and rubbed and rubbed, and took them off the boots before they got too small to come off, and kept felting by hand, although eventually i went and whacked them against a tree for a while... hope that is helpful!
    it took a long time to shrink them, and i wish I'd made them on slightly smaller wellies. But they are great.
    Do let me know if theres anywhere in cardiff you are selling wool,
