Friday, 31 July 2009

I am alive really....

Hey! Hows it going????

Its still mad here setting up the studio, I think we are nearly ready for the sofa's though, goodness I can't wait for those.

I need to get used to blogging early in the morning, because I don't have internet there yet, I am still debating if I need it or not, or whether I should get used to not having it in the day, I do feel a little out of touch though.

So its all a massive life change and learning process, but its not a painful one, hehe.

Right, there will be an update this afternoon, probably later on in the afternoon, about 4ish I'll start.

I will aim to blog everyday from now on, and today I'll take some more unit photo's.

hope you are all well, leave me a comment, I love reading them xxxxxx


  1. hey, where did you get a life from? do you think they'll sell me one?

  2. Are you still going to the Fibre retreat next weeked?

  3. Go for mobile broadband - you can even get one of the neat little netbooks free (ok, you're paying for it as well, but you get to keep it in the end!), just look out for one with 160Gb rather than 8Gb, and make sure your ISP can give you coverage in all the places you need.
    I know I sound like an ad, but it saved my bacon a couple of weeks ago when my normal internet connection went down to about 10% capacity for the best part of five days, and I was amazed by how little of my monthly allowance I used by using the mobile one I'd just signed up for.
    And my netbook is so neat! Used it for Skype as well, with a really clear picture and sound.
    Worth a look!

  4. might have to leave visiting you until september.
