Friday, 17 October 2008

I had a dream....

I had a dream last night that I was living in this massive house with a big dye studio, in the middle of the welsh country side, and I was drinking oaky red wine out of these massive gorgeous big wine glasses by the fire with my bestest freind in the world. My dreams are always rather telling, perhaps its time to think about moving.......



  1. I protest! That dream was not true!! I need my occasional fiber fix close by! Never mind the people! ;)

  2. Well, my dear, if anyone deserves a dream come true, it's you.

  3. Well, I dreamt last night that I went into a dormitory and there was a bed for everyone except me, and they didn't want me there becuse I knew nothing abot football. So Dermot O'Leary (the TV presenter) came in and led me off to a small private room where I could hear them watching football through the walls and cheering.......
    Can't say it was a nice dream like yours!!
