Friday, 2 May 2008

Feeling good.

So, I feel like I am starting to get on top of things, and my normal frantic life is calming a little, or at least I feel more in Control. I have had a few offers of help recently from Elly and Abi, and for the first time in my life I accepted. I feel very relieved to be honest. I have started to have a little help on a Wednesday afternoon now, and  that is also  making a really big difference.

So,  I even went proper food shopping for the first time in quite a few weeks, marmite on toast wasn't cutting it, and last night I stopped work at 6 at once, and put a dress on, and some slap, and EVEN planned a project which is gorgeous from 'knitting Lingerie Style' and whats even better my scrumptious fits the bill perfectly, so I grabbed a purple skein and off I went, and it was really super, and I knitted quite a bit, the solid scrumptious is really nice to work with, its alot softer than the mulitcoloured, and has a soft haze to it,  I need to addit to my ravelry projects, see, thats what I mean, I haven't knitted anything from a pattern in years, I have felt so rushed, that I never feel like knitting anything other than what I have to, and I feel so excited again, to knit things for me, so I have beautiful clothes, it even crossed my mind this morning that I would like to try and make alot more of my own clothes, now that a serious sign that the creativity is coming back. I think that when my brain has to worry if I will be able to stay in my little palace in splott for another month, or not it takes up so much energy, I suppose, I am learning to trust that I am doing well now, and the business is successful and I have the ability to have all the things I want, I work bloody hard enough for it, lol.

The garden looks stunning by the way, the blossoms are out, and today the sun is shining and drying the 20 kilo's hung out on my tree frame, the birds are singing, and I am itching to get out and dye some gorgeous silks and things. There will be an update later on in the day.......

Happy knitting

ps, is there any significance in purple? I have been dyeing for the past week EVERYTHING in purples, as you will notice from the update, also, I am knitting in purple, have never ever done that before!!!!


  1. Get back to work!
    *cracks whip*

  2. Hiya!
    Good to know you are recovering from Wonderwool.
    Just saying - if can do with some help in the evenings - I'd be more than willing... Give me a shout, short notice is usually fine with me... ;)
    and now, go and enjoy your garden a bit! There might be some inspiration there...

  3. Hello
    All the purple is triggering the spiritual part og you - maybe it is knocking at your door, but it is hard to notice when you are so busy.
    Have a nice week end - look farward to see you!

  4. Awww Jen,
    its so so nice to hear this kind of thing, you DO work hard and you certainly do deserve some you time. How exciting to have help too!!
    Its weird you say the thing about purple, I have been dyeing a lot of purple and quite a bit on request, its quite a happy and comforting colour, maybe peeps are willing the summer berries on ;)
    *trots off to peep at Jen's WIP* that book is ace isnt it, do you have Weardowney Knit Couture? If not I think you would like it!

  5. OOOh I'm very excited about being your helper/slave!
