Thursday, 17 June 2004

Down to earth.

I am back down to earth today after being high as a kite, its really lovely to just appreciate the normal things in life. Why this revelation? I made a mistake this morning because I forgot to do something, which could have been remedied with little effort. But offence was taken and I realised what a bloody sucker I am, basically I felt really sad because I make so much effort, and when I make a little mistake I expect a little grace.

Anth and my lovely lodger Carey just scooped me up made me a big fried breakfast and loved me, and I realised how fabulous my life is without weddings, cars and things, all of those are just nice additions, but what really matters is loving and being loved. Thanks guys. Even my knitting seems extra special today.

So i'm still knitting the denim top but I'm nearly there. I havn't taken the poncho off for three days, I'm going to have to make another one to replace this one when its in the wash!! LOL.

I recieved a catalogue from texere yarns this morning a fantastic company that sell yarns, not main brands but much cheaper and often you can substitute them for main brand yarns, they also sell loads of undyed yarns for you to dye. So I've been looking through and there are lots of ribbon yarns which I could dye my self, and would be great for the poncho. This is really exciting. So i'm going to go through the catalogue with a big cup of coffee later and really enjoy my self.

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