OK, so really really enjoyed the weekend, and actually even though I am knackered, it was great to get out of the house and not get overwhelmed by work which was what was happening, foot is much better although kind of stiff, I can walk, so that means I can dye wool, although it is pouring with rain, so I am kind of trying not to think about it too much.
Although, along with the fact that I am nearly out of scrumptious solids, so that needs to arrive from afar, spindles have to make it here, Du store alpakka (which I know will be fine), but can't fit the stand in my van, and I haven't started dyeing yet because I have to finish orders and clubs. Gulp.
So while I was lying in bed this morning I got a text from down stairs saying, 'your gohonzon (buddist scroll that I chant to) is missing its gongyo, (the act of chanting)' from Elly, which made me laugh and laugh and laugh, so I did, and plenty of it, and I feel ok, and relieved that I have Elly to help me, and to make me chant because it stops me loosing the plot, lol!!!
So, I am off to wrap up warm, and venture out into the garden, dye some yarn for the clubs and dream about a holiday in Dubai, where I do nothing except lounge on a warm beach drinking cocktails, and there is no yarn anywhere, absolutely none, and there is no rain, so the person that dangled that little carrot, you'd better get counting your airmiles..........